Frase review- Up your SEO game with this AI tool [New]

frase review

Content marketing is one of the core aspects of every online business. Content marketing and its tools are there for many years.

But the AI has taken the level of tools to the next level. is one of the AI-based content marketing tools that help you to do multiple tasks such as content creation, outlining your blog post, etc in a few moments.

Hello, I am Rafiqul, a blogger turned into a content marketer. Welcome to this article.

Let’s start with how can boost your content marketing outcome., a ai-based content marketing tool

If you’re a blogger, content creator, or into the content marketing field, then this AI-based tool might make your job much easier.

Every content creator knows how much time-consuming is the research process before writing your article.

Basically, before writing an article on your site, your search for the different topics and questions to cover.

You might use one tool to collect the related questions on your topic and another tool to search for sub-topics to cover in your blog post., an AI-based tool helps you by doing all the work for you and you get all in one place.

Core features of

  1. Get relevant questions people are asking on a specific topic.
  2. It helps you to easily optimize your already published blog post.
  3. Get a complete outline for your next blog post
  4. The ‘frase answer engine’ answers your visitors’ questions by using the content of your page. Hence improve engagement and conversion.

Read this to create high quality content

How does it work?

home page of frase

Let’s login first (Sign Up if you’re new to this tool). You can see the clean and simple interface below.

how does work

On the left-hand side, there is a section called “content tool”. And, under this section, you’re getting four features.

  1. Documents
  2. Question research
  3. Topic Ideas
  4. Site audit

Starting with the document feature. Now, to create a new task, click on the ‘new document’.

You’ll get three options basically.

  1. Content brief (for getting a structure of your next blog post)
  2. Content optimization (For optimizing your existing blog article)
  3. Content curation (To get all the resources to start with a project)

Content Optimization

Let’s select content optimization first. And click next.

benefits of frase

Now, select the required field to get started. Enter details like region, the search term that you have targeted in your blog post, and URL of your post that you want to optimize.

After clicking the “create document” button, it will show you suggestions on the right-hand side to improve your post for better ranking and user experience as well.

On the url section, just paste the link of your blog post that you want to optimize using

Along with the url, also add the search term that you targeted for that blog post.

content optimization using ai tool

You can now see the content of my blog post. And, on the right-hand side, there are many topic suggestions to include in my article.

content optimization

Here, it is simply saying my blog post didn’t cover the topics like quality levels, next phase, and others.

This tool is basically fetching all the information from the top-ranking pages for the search term that I have targeted. And, comparing that information with my article.

This shows me the topics that I haven’t covered in my blog post but many top-ranking pages have included in their pages.

So, that way I can optimize it for better ranking.

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    Along with this, frase will also show you the structure(including headings and subheadings) of your competitors’ pages.

    Topic suggestion by ai tool

    You’ll also get access to the questions that people are asking on your topic.

    So, in case if you’ve missed any questions to cover in your blog post, then you can just go through all of these relevant questions.

    question research

    Another cool feature it offers is that you’ll be able to see what are the pages that your competitors’ are linking from their site.

    You can access all the external links that the top pages have included.

    content marketing ai tool

    You can also export the whole report in many formats such as pdf, Word, etc.

    This was all about the content optimization feature.

    Content brief

    Similarly, if you want to get a complete outline for your next blog post you can check the ‘content brief section’ under the document tab.

    Here, you just need to enter the search term that you want to target in your next article.

    how to create document in

    And it will give an outline based on the information collected from top-ranking pages.

    Let me show you one example of the content brief feature that I have done for the search query ‘customer avatar’.

    In the overview section, you’ll get to learn about the average word count of top-ranking pages for that search term.

    Also, it shows you

    1. What keyword to include in your headline
    2. Topics that you must cover in your content
    3. Top links to include as well.
    how to create outline of a blog post using frase

    This actually makes your job much easier as a content creator. Before starting writing your content, you can have an overview of what are the topics to cover, what should be the average word length, and many more.

    So, basically you can spy on top-ranking pages in just a few seconds.

    Below the page, you’ll see a section called, ‘sources’. This section will show the title, domain, and meta description of each of the top-ranking pages.

    snippets using ai tool

    This is quite useful to see what’s getting better results in search engines.

    Even if you’re still not sure about the topic and subtopic for your content then you need a scroll down a little.

    And you’ll get a bunch of topics and snippets of each of the high performing pages.

    Just like the content optimization, here you can also access the list of questions on the top right side.

    Content Curation

    Next move on to the ‘content curation’ feature.

    Here, you need to add search terms for your content and it will show you content ideas, related questions in your topic.

    Content curation process using

    One cool feature is that it shows you important keywords to add in your content along with its frequency.

    On the below image, you can notice that each of the top 10 ranking pages used the term ‘’content strategy’ at least three times in their content.

    keyword suggestion in ai tool

    So, based on this you can actually create better content in terms of topic, headings, links, and even word count.

    Another feature that it offers is that you can write your content here and export it directly to other platforms such as WordPress, HubSpot, and many more.

    This feature can be helpful for your whole team.

    Content Tools

    Let’s explore other features of

    Under the ‘Content tools’ tab, you’ll get a topic idea generation tool and also a site audit.

    Site audits will help you in comparing your site with one of your competitors.

    Content tools of frase

    Let’s see how you can generate lots of content ideas in just a fraction of time.

    Topic Idea generator

    First click on the ‘topic ideas’ tab and next, enter the topic. Here I am typing my topic as ‘content marketing tools’.

    Topic generation

    And now select a sub-topic to generate the content map.

    The content map will be generated within a few seconds.

    Topic Ideas for next blog

    This is a useful feature especially if you’re out of content ideas.

    frase answer engine

    Now, let’s move to another feature of this tool (answer engine) that helps your website visitors to engage with your site in an effective way.

    To do this you need to follow three simple steps.

    1. Crawl your website by integrating Google Search Console
    2. Create assistant (It includes your brand message, brand color, Email capturing system, and targeting)
    3. Installation (After the installation, you can track ROI, and more)
    core features of the frase tool

    Learn more about how to setup frase answer engine on your site.

    This was an overview of the tool

    Pricing of

    Now let’s quickly go through the pricing structure of this tool.

    It comes with three plans.

    1. Basic
    2. Growth
    3. AnswerEngines
    pricing plan of

    Basically, the basic and growth plans are recommended if you just want to use this tool for content creation and don’t want to integrate the ‘answer engine feature’ on your site.

    Along with this, you can also get a free demo of this tool where you’ll be able to create only 5 documents in your account. 

    Link to get a free demo of

    I would highly recommend you to start with the free trial of And, try to explore the features that I have mentioned in this article.

    Not to forget you’ll also get 5 free documents to create for your content marketing program.

    Must-read articles for you: How to do a content marketing audit to fixing your broken content

    Get Lifetime deal on

    Final words

    So, if you want your productivity and content optimization to the next level, then can really boost up your performance.

    It gives you all the information in one place in a few clicks.

    As a content marketer, it really saves my time in terms of researching content ideas and tracking my competitors’ pages.

    Since I haven’t used the answer engine features, I can’t say much about this. But I would recommend you to go through their site and see whether this feature you really needed or not.

    So that’s all for today.

    If you have any questions regarding this tool or if you want me to give an overview of any different tool, then please leave a comment below.

    If this has added value to you then, please do like and subscribe to my channel to get more quality content on content marketing and content marketing tools.

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